Power Snatch

Power Snatch – Find 1 Rep Max

33# (hang power snatches for warmup)
53# (multiple reps for warm up)
63# (ditto)
83# (Maybe a PR or equal to old PR. Surprised at how easy it was.)
93# (Fail. Got greedy.)
88# (Fail. Not concentrating.)
88# (Close, but fail. Thinking too much.)

I realize these are pretty pathetic numbers, but they are MY numbers. Only one way to go and that’s UP! I do love the Olympic lifts, and I plan to work on them lots, lots more. There was also supposed to be a 1K row sprint (no rower, but I was going to use the bike) and a tabata mash-up, but I’m just flat out lazy today. I slept in and had to work out at night, and when I do that I inevitably wuss out. Even though I am NOT a morning person I have to work out then or I usually don’t get it done.

I feel pretty good today. I’ve eaten a few more carbs in the last few days than I would like, but under 50g per day, so not too bad. My calories have been way down, sometimes under 1100 per day, but I’m just not hungry. Probably eat a little bit more tomorrow because it is potluck at church. Lutheran church, mind you. Potluck heaven. I have it on good authority that there is going to be cookie salad there. The person who invented that is either evil or a genius – or possibly an evil genius altogether. It’s a salad, made from COOKIES. Need I say more?

By the way, you might be a Lutheran if you think the term “Jell-O salad” is redundant.

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