Swing In the New Year

Box Squat – 5/5/5+
64# / 74# / 84# (10 reps)

Kettlebell Swings – 12kg
30 seconds work/30 seconds rest
5 minutes

Air squats
30 seconds work/30 seconds rest
5 minutes

Ah, a new year. So fresh and clean and shiny.

I wouldn’t say last year was particularly good for me, and given half a chance I’d go back and smack my old self up side of the head and tell her to get it together. A few key choices I made here and there ended up making my year pretty miserable.

Well, it’s over (thank God) and I’m ready to start anew. In keeping with that sentiment, I’m doing a Whole30. This is my third time, and to be honest it’s not particularly hard. I’ve found from experience that if I make enough food on Sunday it’s easy to eat very well throughout the week. Preparation is key.

Today’s food:
Egg/hamburger/pepper scramble
Chocolate chili, sweet potatoes
Cod fillet, toasted kale
Few almonds

Yesterday’s food:
Chicken, apple
Primal Pac, Larabar
Chocolate chili, toasted kale

2 thoughts on “Swing In the New Year

  1. Happy New Year! I’m on Day 2 of my Whole30, too… I’m looking forward to getting my energy and good mojo back after Prague+Well Fed+holiday celebrations. I need some routine!

    Hope you had an awesome 2012! Best wishes for an excellent Whole30!

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