Revising My Revulsion for the Y

Ok, I’m going to have to revise my revulsion for the local YMCA.

They’ve changed. Granted, not much. There are still 235 treadmills and 128 recumbent bikes in the “cardio” area, and there is still only the one lonely ancient C2 rower. But… but… they now have rubber coated weights in the weight room. And I don’t mean rubber coated dumbbells (they have those too, plus one extra when I’m in the room) but real full sized Olympic plates. It’s a miracle, I tell you, and it’s not even Christmas.

It looks like the free weight area has been revamped a little tiny bit. I think there is an extra rack, a couple of new benches and the rubber weights. There’s also a roman chair looking contraption that I will investigate further at a later date. There was a dude using it for some odd looking exercise and I didn’t want to stare too much. That would be, you know, weird.

“Hey, how you doin’?”

Before my trip there today I was seriously considering dumping the Y. I was going to take the $300 plus dollars I’d plunked down on a membership and buy a sled and prowler from Rogue fitness. I figured even in winter I could make better use of my time using those instead of fighting my way through the Nautilus forest every day. But, I may ask the Y to go steady again.

And if I come one day and I find one of these:

Stocked with some of these:

Well, then I may just ask the Y to marry me.

And if I came one day and it looked like this:

and I could go in any time I wanted and do whatever I wanted… then I would ask the Y to marry me, without a prenup.

Alright, enough speculation on things that will never happen. Back to reality, which brings me to my workout for today:

Complete 6 rounds for time:

53 yard Farmer’s Walk
Sprint 1/2 Gasser

*Go as heavy as possible for Farmer’s Walk
*Start by walking 53 yards for farmers walk, set weight down and sprint 1/2 gasser. Repeat.

The Y does not have an indoor football field, but they do have an indoor basketball court. Basketball courts are 31 yards long, so I paced out an extra distance to make it 53 yards. However, once I started I got immediately confused (no shock there) about how far and in which direction which time I was supposed to be going. So I just changed it to one trip down with the farmer’s walk and one trip down and back for the sprint. More than enough, thankyouverymuch. Also, I don’t know if I’m allowed to take the dumbbells into the gym or not, but I did not get the stink eye from any Y employees whilst I was doing this.

I used 35# dumbbells and I forgot my watch, so I’m guesstimating that it took me around five-ish minutes. Afterwards I stuck around and shot baskets for about ten minutes. It was fun, and it was a little extra running cause my shooting percentage is like, 25% or something and I had to run after the ball a lot.

Whole30 – Day 20: Steak, sweet potato fries; chicken, peppers, guacamole; 1/2 apple, hamburger patties with jalapeno and dijon mustard; walnuts.

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